
Automated coagulometer for medium size laboratories

What is CoagL?

High-throughput, random-access hemostasis analyzer for medium volume laboratories performing routine and special assays. Innovative system ensures efficient, reliable results with built-in QC features. With 60 sample positions, 14 cooled reagent positions and more dedicated STAT positions CoagL enables to easily manage the workload with minimal operator intervention. User friendly graphical user interface, connectivity to Laboratory Information System helps your work.

Further Advanced Features

  Optical coagulation, chromogeic and immunoturbidimetric tests.

  Throughput: Up to 160 PT tests / hour*. (* with Dia-PT recombinant test)

  Liquid crystal colour touch screen.

  Auto-calibration, master curve calibration.

  Integrated barcode reader for samples and reagents.

  Automatic reflex / rerun feature.

  High data storage capacity.

  Reduced reagent consuption.