What is GYNPAD
GynPad® is the World’s 1st, Patented, Pad Type, Self-Sampling HPV (human papillomavirus) DNA test kit. It is a non-invasive method for HPV DNA testing which provides a trauma-free and infection-free experience to patients while ensuring ease of use and comfort at all times.
GynPad® enables easy and convenient sample collection for DNA test of HPV screening (for cervical cancer) and various STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections). It relieves patients from the burden of visiting clinics for vaginal examination as in the traditional sampling process and also ensures preservation of collected sample during transportation and analysis.
What is HPV
HPV – Human Papillomavirus
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA virus, from papillomavirus family, of which more than 150 types are identified. More than 40 types are known to be transmitted through sexual contact and infect the anus and genitals. Risk factors for persistent HPV infections include early age of first sexual intercourse, multiple partners, smoking, and poor immune function. Occasionally, it can spread from a mother to her baby during pregnancy.
Global HPV Statistics
The most common infection
over 75% of Women have had HPV infection during lifetime
14 million anogenital HPV infections per year
In developing countries, cervical cancer is 2nd-most fatal
528,000 cases of cervical cancer were estimated
(2012, WHO)
270,000 deaths annually
Almost everyone experiences HPV infection, at least once in a lifetime
In all cases, 75% of people experiences HPV infection more than once in his/her lifetime. Usually, it cures naturally. Still, half of infections include high-risk complex infections (infection of multiple types) and may lead to cancer development.
HPV DNA Test (molecular diagnosis)
The traditional Pap test only tells cell-level infection of HPV, lacks of genotype information of such infection.
In addition, research tells about 30% of cervical cancer cases are found to be negative (normal) with previous Pap test.
HPV DNA test requires only small amount of sample, while providing accurate and informative test result.
Multiplexed Analysis
Provides informative test result – high-risk HPV types and low-risk HPV types are analysed accurately.
Early detection of cancer transition
Regular HPV test for preventing cancer development is recommended by gynecologists.
What is Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is a cancer arising from the CERVIX. It’s due to the abnormal growth of cells around the cervix. 2nd most prevalent women’s cancer in Korea, which is estimated to have 4,000 cases yearly. Worldwide estimate is around 528,000 cases per year.
The Cause – main cause of Cervical Cancer
Virtually all of cervical cancer cases are caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus) infection. There are more than 150 types of HPVs but not all types of HPV causes cervical cancer. HPVs are categorized as high-risk and low-risk types, where HPV type 16, 18 are the most common cause of all cervical cancers. There are several more high-risk types such as 31, 33, 35, 45, 52, 58, 59 and others are considered to be important with cancer development.
Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
Typically, no symptoms are seen on early stages. Later symptoms may include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, or pain during sexual intercourse. Abnormal vaginal bleeding may appear after the menopause or irregular appearance out of period. Also, vaginal secretion may increase, and may involve with pelvic pain in some cases. If cancer is spreaded to bladder or organs around, dysuria or haematuria may be found.
Early Detection Really Matters
Regular HPV test for preventing cancer development is recommended by gynecologists. Conventional Pap smear test is typically performed but it lacks of accuracy and information on risk estimation. Regular checkup with HPV DNA test is the best tool to screen out cancer development.
01. Demanding, and invasive traditional sampling process
Typical sampling process requires patients to visit clinics for sampling, and is also invasive – requiring vaginal examination conducted by trained clinicians for pap sample preparation.
02. TCM’s GynPad®: A sanitation pad-type self-sampling kit user friendly to women that enables easy & convenient sampling
Sample collection can be done at-home through simple steps. It’s safe and keeps privacy. Wear it as ordinary pad. Separate the filter from the pad after 4 hours and insert it into the provided preservative vial. Send it over to hour laboratory as indicated. Fast and accurate HPV / STI DNA test results will be sent to you within a few days.
03. TCM’s HPV DNA Chip Test & STI DNA Test
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection appears to be involved in development of virtually all cervical cancer cases. TCM’s GynPad® enables convenient sample collection without visiting a clinic for traditional, invasive vaginal examination for sampling. Instead, GynPad® provides easy and convenient sampling by using familiar pad-type at-home collection, and can be used for HPV and most STI DNA tests providing high-accuracy results.